Why use Harvey Lets to let your residential property?
Harvey Lets landlords get on with their lives and tenants find a new home quickly
We are the only residential property lettings agent in Scotland with three generations of experience. We pride ourselves on getting you the best possible tenants, achieving the best rental return, in the shortest possible time.

Harvey Lets Landlords get on with their lives
We are one of the most recognisable residential letting companies in Scotland, with three generations of experience in the greater Glasgow residential letting market. Our flexible marketing activities allow us to tailor activity to suit your needs, whilst matching your property to a quality database of tenants looking to find their next home.
Harvey Lets Landlords feel confident that they are complying with the law
We are here to help you get your property ready for rental. It can be daunting keeping up with regulations but we are here to help you every step of the way. Before you let your property you must make sure, by law, that it and its contents comply with various safety and other wider Government regulations relating to residential property rental, including:
Harvey Lets Landlords get an accurate valuation for their property
We complete hundreds of property rental valuations, giving us intimate knowledge of property prices in your area. Our valuations take all local benefits into account, whether your property is surrounded by the best parks, restaurants, schools or transport links. We will achieve the best rental return for your investment property.

Harvey Lets Landlords easily access information from their accounts
As a Harvey Lets landlord you can make your annual Inland Revenue tax returns a piece of cake. Every month you receive a detailed statement of income and expenditure through the Harvey Lets management system. At the end of the year this makes preparation of your property tax computation really easy, and if you require copies of any statements they can be provided in seconds – free of charge.
“Harvey Lets have been great at sourcing quality tenants, managing my property, helping coordinate refurbishment works and really helped out when I was let down by a contractor I chose. Overall a good, solid, personal service – highly recommended.”
“I am not sure if I have ever stated this but I continue to be very impressed with Harvey Lets, you are professional yet personable. I have no worries about my property in the UK whilst I have been overseas which is all down to you and the Harvey Lets team.”
‘Thanks Dougie, I’ll recommend you guys to people I know, you’ve all been great.’
We can save you money and time by opening up our wide network of contacts. From furnish your entire property at prices that you won’t be able to get on the high street to getting you the best landlord’s property insurance deals.